The life of Hazrat Ali (R.)

Muhammad Jamal Uddin


Introduction to Hazrat Ali (RA)


Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) was a unique figure in the history of Islam. He was the cousin of the Prophet (PBUH), his son-in-law, the fourth Caliph of Islam and the first Imam (according to Shia belief). He was a shining example of courage, wisdom, justice and sacrifice. From his childhood to his martyrdom, his life was dedicated to spreading Islam, establishing justice and serving the people.

1. Birth and Family Introduction

(a) Birth

Hazrat Ali (RA) was born inside the Kaaba Sharif in 599 AD, which is the only incident in the history of Islam.

At the time of his birth, his mother Fatima bint Asad took refuge in the wall of the Kaaba and the door miraculously opened.

(b) Genealogy

Father's name: Abu Talib (uncle of the Prophet (peace be upon him))

Mother's name: Fatima bint Asad

He was a member of the Hashimi tribe of the Quraysh clan.

(c) Relationship with the family of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

The Prophet (peace be upon him) raised Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) under his care since childhood.

He married Hazrat Fatima (may Allah be pleased with her).

2. Conversion to Islam and Companionship of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

(a) The First Male Muslim

He converted to Islam at the hands of the Prophet (peace be upon him) at a young age.

His position among the first men to convert to Islam is very important.

(b) Always by the side of the Prophet (peace be upon him)

He was with the Prophet (peace be upon him) from the beginning to the end of the Prophethood and used to protect him in all wars and crises.

(c) Sacrifice during the migration

When the Prophet (peace be upon him) migrated to Medina, Hazrat Ali (may Allah be pleased with him) lay on the Prophet's bed, knowing that his life was in danger, so that the Quraysh could not kill him.

3. Contribution as a warrior and military strategist

(a) Battle of Badr (624 AD)

He defeated many powerful warriors of the Quraysh.

(b) Battle of Uhud (625 AD)

He held the flag of the Prophet (peace be upon him) and fought in his defense.

(c) Battle of the Trench (627 AD)

He killed one of the fiercest warriors of the Quraysh, Amr ibn Abd al-Wad, in single combat.

(d) Battle of Khaybar (628 AD)

He broke the main gate of the Khaybar fortress with his own hands and led the Muslim army to victory.

4. Contributions as an Islamic ruler and administrator

(a) Taking charge as the fourth Caliph (656 AD)

He was elected as the Caliph after the martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (RA).

(b) Establishing a just administration

He followed the Quran and the Sunnah of the Prophet (PBUH) as the basis of governance.

He removed corrupt governors and appointed competent people.

(c) Strengthening the judiciary

He further organized Islamic law and established justice.

He used to say, "The destruction of a nation whose ruler does injustice is inevitable."

5. Promoting education and intelligence

(a) Developing Islamic education

He laid the foundations of jurisprudence, grammar, interpretation (tafsir), hadith and philosophy.

(b) Famous Quotes and Sayings

Hazrat Ali (RA) has many wise sayings, such as:

"Knowledge is better than wealth, because wealth protects you, but knowledge protects you."

"He who knows himself knows his Lord."

6. Two major civil wars and political crises

(a) Battle of Jamal (656 AD)

Some rebels led by Hazrat Aisha (RA) took a stand against him.

After the war, he tried to establish peace.

(b) Battle of Siffin (657 AD)

He clashed with Muawiyah (RA), the governor of Syria.

For diplomatic reasons, he was forced to accept arbitration, which caused the political weakness of his caliphate.

Contributions of Hazrat Ali (RA)


Hazrat Ali ibn Abi Talib (RA) was the fourth Caliph of Islam, the cousin and son-in-law of the Prophet (PBUH). He was a unique example of courage, knowledge, justice and immense love for Islam. He made outstanding contributions to the propagation of Islam, state administration, military skill, justice and religious education.

1. Early Contributions to Islam

(a) One of the First to Convert to Islam

Hazrat Ali (RA) embraced Islam as a child and was one of the first men to convert to Islam.

(b) Standing by the side of the Prophet (PBUH)

At the beginning of the propagation of Islam, he stood by the side of the Prophet (PBUH) and faced all obstacles.

He never left Islam and always stayed by the side of the Prophet.

(c) Sacrifice for the Prophet (PBUH) in the Dark of Night

When the Prophet (PBUH) was secretly leaving Mecca for Medina on the night of the Hijrah, Hazrat Ali (RA) lay on the Prophet's bed so that the Quraysh would not find out. This was an example of his immense courage and sacrifice.

2. Bravery in Islamic Military Campaigns

(a) Battle of Badr (624 AD)

He displayed extraordinary bravery in the Battle of Badr and defeated many enemies.

(b) Battle of Uhud (625 AD)

When the Muslims were retreating, he continued to fight to defend the Prophet (PBUH).

(c) Battle of the Trench (627 AD)

He defeated the famous warrior Amr ibn Abd al-Wad in single combat, which boosted the morale of the Muslims.

(d) Battle of Khaibar (628 AD)

Hazrat Ali (RA) broke down the main gate of the Khaibar fort and this became an important reason for the victory of the Muslims. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, "I will give the flag of Khaibar to a person who loves Allah and His Messenger, and whom Allah and His Messenger love." Hazrat Ali (RA) achieved this honor.

3. Role in Islamic governance

(a) Advisor during the time of Hazrat Umar (RA)

Hazrat Umar (RA) used to call Hazrat Ali (RA) to seek advice on various complex issues. He also played an important role in the judiciary.

(b) Rule as the fourth Caliph (656-661 AD)

After the martyrdom of Hazrat Uthman (RA), Hazrat Ali (RA) was appointed as the Caliph of the Muslims in 656 AD.

4. Justice and administrative reforms

(a) Establishment of justice

Hazrat Ali (RA) was a very fair judge.

He used to say, "The duty of a ruler is to ensure the just rights of the people, and if he fails to fulfill his duty, he will be accountable to Allah."

(b) Strong stance against corruption and nepotism

He dismissed immoral governors and appointed capable people in the administration.

Appointed Malik al-Ashtar as the governor of Egypt, who governed the country according to his principles.

5. Promotion and preservation of Islamic education

(a) Preservation and interpretation of the Quran

He provided a profound interpretation of the Quran and narrated many hadiths.

Because of his intelligence and education, he is known as "Babul Ilm" or "Gate of Knowledge".

(b) Establishment of Fiqh and Islamic Law

He strengthened the foundation of Islamic law and set an example for later Islamic jurists.

6. Social and economic reforms

(a) Kindness to the poor and helpless

He distributed food to the poor and worked to improve their standard of living.

(b) Proper management of the state treasury (Baitul Mal)

He did not allow anyone to take wealth from the state treasury unjustly and distributed all wealth fairly.

7. Two major civil wars and leadership

(a) Battle of Jamal (656 AD)

A group of rebels led by Hazrat Aisha (RA) fought against him in what is known as the Battle of Jamal. Although a war broke out, he eventually tried to make peace.

(b) Battle of Siffin (657 AD)

He fought with the governor of Syria, Muawiyah (RA).

During the war, he was forced to accept arbitration through cunning tactics, which weakened his position politically.

7. Martyrdom and Succession

(a) Martyrdom (661 AD)

In 661 AD, Abdur Rahman ibn Mulzim, a member of the Kharijites, stabbed him in the mosque of Kufa during the Fajr prayer.

He was martyred three days later.

(b) Burial and Succession

He was buried secretly in Najaf (Iraq).

His sons Hasan (RA) and Hussain (RA) later sacrificed their lives for Islam.


Hazrat Ali (RA) was one of the greatest leaders, warriors and just rulers of Islam. His heroism, wisdom, justice and sacrifice will remain a unique example in the history of Islam. He made outstanding contributions in the fields of the spread of Islam, administration, judiciary, education, economy and morality. By learning from his life, the Muslim Ummah can walk on the path of justice and honesty.

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হযরত আবু বকর (র.) এর সংক্ষিপ্ত জীবনী

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