I have never read such a beautiful article about death
Don't forget to read it. Jazakallah.
Some feelings written by the late Kuwaiti writer Abdullah Jarallah before his death -
"I will not worry about death, I will not show any undue interest in what will happen to my dead body. I know that my Muslim brothers will do everything properly."
They will strip me of my clothes, wash me, shroud me, take me out of my house, take me to my new home (the grave), and many will come to bid farewell to me. It will be,
But many of them will cancel their daily activities or meetings to bury me
Many people will cancel their daily activities or meetings to bury me,
And it may be that many of them will not think deeply about my advice for a day from now
But unfortunately most people will not think deeply about my advice in the days to come,
My things will be disposed of
I will lose control over my (personal) things,
My keys
My keys My books, my bags, my shoes, and if my family agrees to donate my belongings to benefit me, be sure that this world will not grieve for you, and the movement of the world will not stop. It will not stop for a moment,
And the economy will continue
Economic activities or trade will continue,
And my duties will come to someone else to do them
My duties (work) will start to be done by someone else,
And my wealth will go lawfully to my heirs
My wealth will go lawfully to my heirs,
While I will be held accountable for it
However, in the meantime, I will begin to account for this wealth,
The little and the many.....The little and the Great….incommensurable and minute, (the account of everything)
And the first thing that dies is my name!!!!
The first thing that will be lost after my death is my name!!!
Therefore, when I die, they will say about me, Where is the “paradise”...?
For when I die, they will say about me, Where is the “corpse”?
And they will not call me by my name....
No one will call me by my name,
And when they want to pray for me, they will say, “Come to the funeral”!!!
When they offer the funeral prayer for me, they will say, "Bring the body,"
And they will not call me by name...!
And when they begin to bury me, they will say, "Bring the body near," and they will not mention my name...!
Therefore, neither my lineage nor my tribe nor my position nor my fame will deceive me...
That is why my lineage, my tribe, my position, and my fame in this world will not deceive me,
So what is this worldly life worth, and what great things they turn to for it...
How insignificant is the life of this world, and what is the matter that lies ahead...
So, O you who are alive now... Know that sorrow will be upon you. Three types:
Therefore, (listen) to those of you who are still alive,….Know that you will be grieved for (after death) in three ways,
1. Those who knew you superficially will say, “Poor man.”
1. Those who knew you superficially will say, “Wretched,”
2. Your friends will grieve for hours or days, then return to their talk, but rather to their laughter.
2. Your friends will grieve for you for a few hours or a few days, then they will get lost in gossip or laughter again,
3. The people who will grieve deeply for you are your family, they will grieve for a week, two weeks, a month, two months or at most a year. Then they will carefully keep you in the memory vault!!!
Your story among people has ended, and your true story has begun, which is the Hereafter....
The story about you among people will end, and then a new story of your life will begin, and that will be the reality of the Hereafter.
You have already lost:
You will lose:
1. Beauty
2. Wealth
3. Health
3. Good health
4. Children
5. The separation of the house
5. Homes
6. Palaces
6. Palaces
7. Spouse
And nothing will remain except your deeds, good or bad,
And the real life will begin
The reality of your new life will begin,
And the question is: What have you prepared for your grave and your hereafter from now on???
And, the end of that life