English Paragraph

Muhammad Jamal Uddin

Class 5,6,7,8,9 & 10 Paragraph


My first day of school is a memorable day for me, when my parents told me about my starting school, I got very much excited. Then the very day came. I was in a very cheerful mood. Then I was only six years old. My father took me to school on that day I was little bit nervous at the beginning I remember it well. We went to school by rickshaw Father took me to the headmaster. My heart was beating fast. But his smiling face and gentle words put me at case. He asked me my name and some other basic questions, I answered them all correctly and politely. He got very pleased at my answers. Then my class teacher tok me to the classroom and introduced to my classmates. All of them behaved well with me. They befriended me very soon. That day is very remarkable in

A TEACHER paragraph

A person who teaches the students privately or in an educational institutions, is called a teacher . A teacher may be male or female. A teacher is the noblest professional figure in the world because teaching is the noblest profession. A teacher is a person who teaches, his or her students and discovers the latent talent in them. A teacher may be called a window opener for the students A teacher opens up a new vast knowledge for them. A good teacher is a friend, philosopher and guide to the students. He or she does everything good and effective for the welfare of the students. He or she nurses the young kids as carefully as a gardener handles the saplings. The importance of teacher's service knows no bounds. He or she teaches us students in the modern method of teaching to make them real human beings and ideal citizens.


Almost all of us are familiar with a railway porter. A railway porter is seen in almost all big railway stations especially at the Kamalapur Railway Station. A railway porter is a man who carries bags, goods, luggage of the passengers to train compartments and also takes down these from train. Though a railway porter is supposed to be a young man, immature and even almost child railway porters are also seen. Even very often very old aged men are also seen working as railway porters. However, a railway porter generally knows the names of almost all trains, their arrival and departure time along with the platform numbers. A railway porter is generally paid very little for his service. He carries heavy loads almost the whole day. The wages of a railway porter depends upon the weights of loads, distance, etc. During Eid times, he demands more. A railway porter is very useful to thepassengers indeed Word.


Study is the key to knowledge, skill and success in life. But over study is sure to make a student's life hellish. This why leisure is also a vital necessity in a student's life. Doing something unprofitable but enjoyable in leisure time (refreshes us and works like a tonic to strengthen our enthusiasm to work as well as study, However, generally spend my leisure time in watching movies, reading novels, gossiping with my younger sister, playing chess with father, etc. at home. Sometimes i help mother in cooking and other household chores, At school, i do not get much leisure time except the tiffin period. My tiffin period is 40 minutes. I have my lunch within 10 to 15 minutes. In the rest of the time, I play pen fight, chess, carom, etc. Sometimes I gossip with my classmates, make origami, sing songs etc. I enjoy my leisure time very much both at school and at home.


A journey by train in pleasant for everyone is safe and sound Last month along with my parents made a journey from Dhaka to Chantogram to attend the wedding ceremony of my cousin. We reached the Kamalapur Railway Station about half an hour before the departure of the train The station was quite busy and crowded.There were rickshaws. CNGS, private cars, so We bought our tickets three days earlier. However, we took our seats. When the guard blew the whistle, the train started moving slowly. Then it geared up quickly, it seemed to me that the train was not moving but the trees, houses and other things outside were moving speedily. Our train stepped only a few big stations and we bought chips, cakes and green coconuts When we were in Chattogram we saw many hills. At last, the train reached Chattogram. The memory of this train journey will linger in my mind forever.

BEGUM ROKEYA paragraph

Begum Rokeya, a famous writer, a feminist and a social worker, was born in 1880 in the village of Pairabond Rangpur. She worked on behalf of gender equality and other social issues throughout her life. Her father was a highly educated landlord. So she fought for their cause throughout her life. She was married in 1896 to Khan Bahadur Sakhawar Hussain, the then Deputy Magistrate of Bhagalpur. He was very cooperative, and always encouraged Rokeya to go on with her activities Rokeya had great love for her mother tongue. She learnt Bangla and English from her eldest brother Ibrahim. She launched her literary career in 1902 with a Bangla story entitled ‘Pipasa’. She established Sakhawat Memorial Girls' High School in her beloved husband's memory. I started in Bhagalpur with only five students. She died of heart problems on December 9, 1932. In Bangladesh, December 9 as Rokeya Day in her memory.


Annual prize giving ceremony of our school occurred with colourful flags, papers, flowers, balloons and festoons. The function started at 10 am with the recitation from the Holy Quran. Then the National Anthem was sung in chorus by the students. The Deputy Commissioner (DC) was the chief guest. Besides, many guardians and renowned persons were present on the occasion. The Headmaster of our school presided over the ceremony. He read out the annual report. The chief guest delivered many advisory words. At last, the chairman gave away the prizes by turns. I got two prizes for academic and literary performances, Before the end of the ceremony, a comedy by Shakespeare was staged to entertain all. The news of the ceremony was also aired on BTV. It was really a ceremony of joy and pleasure..

A BOOK SHOP paragraph

A book shop is a place or centre where different kinds of textbooks or reference books are sold. It is a very important place for all especially for the students. It is also beneficial to teachers, researchers, journalists and even general people. Generally a book shop is situated near a school, college, university or a stationary market place. Many shelves are kept. The books are nicely and properly arranged on the shelves. The books are categorized according to the genres, grades and standards Besides text books, story books, reference books, dictionary, we can also buy pens, pencils, rubbers etc from it, Sometimes maps, diaries, notebooks, envelops, postal stamps. legal stamps, drawing materials, etc. are also available in a bookshop, Now-a-days in some book shops, mobile cards: mobile recharge facilities, money transfer facilities, Internet cards, etc. are also available. A bookseller is always available to see the customers. A bookshop provides us with facilities to expand our knowledge.

A CARPENTER paragraph

A book shop is a place or centre where different kinds of textbooks or reference books are sold. It is a very important place for all especially for the students. It is also beneficial to teachers, researchers, journalists and even general people. Generally a book shop is situated near a school, college, university or a stationary market place. Many shelves are kept. The books are nicely and properly arranged on the shelves. The books are categorized according to the genres, grades and standards Besides text books, story books, reference books, dictionary, we can also buy pens, pencils, rubbers etc from it, Sometimes maps, diaries, notebooks, envelops, postal stamps. legal stamps, drawing materials, etc. are also available in a bookshop, Now-a-days in some book shops, mobile cards: mobile recharge facilities, money transfer facilities, Internet cards, etc. are also available. A bookseller is always available to see the customers. A bookshop provides us with facilities to expand our knowledge.

A HOMEMAKER paragraph

Generally married woman who takes care of households, her family and the family members is called a homemaker. Generally, a homemaker may perform general housekeeping chores and personal services, or she may assign herself to other members of the household. Sometimes she employs people outside the household to do these tasks, Every household is unique, and the duties of each homemaker vary according to the ages, habits, needs, and incomes of the people in the household At the same rate, she is responsible for keeping homes clean and running smoothly Many homemakers also make sure that clothing and household items are laundered, dry- cleaned, of mended when needed. She also shops for food, clothes and other commodities. Homemakers often plan, cook, and serve many of the meals for their family. Maintaining the household budget is another responsibility of a homemaker. She is often responsible for daily expenses, In a word, a homemaker plays an important role to make the family happy.


Generally married woman who takes care of households, her family and the family members is called a homemaker. Generally, a Florence Nightingale was born into an upper class British family in 1820 in Florence, Tuscany, Italy. She laid the foundation of modern nursing. She made outstanding contribution to public health. She is popularly known as The Lady with the Lamp. Florence rejected marriage as well as a luxurious life. She received training in nursing in Germany and France. She worked at the British Army Hospital at Scutari in Turkey during the Crimean War. Florence restored order and cleanliness in the hospital. She wrote a note on the army medical and hospital administration. Florence Nightingale is known for her reforms in the British hospitals. In 1860, she established the Nightingale School for Nurses in London She considered her patients as her children. Florence became blind in 1901. She received the Order of Merit from the King in 1907. Florence Nightingale has inspired and will always inspire the people of the world Nightingale breathed her last in 1910 in London.


Fixed price shop generally seen in the big cities and towns. In fixed price shop, we see the writing Fixed Price before or attached to every product. The term Fixed Price Shop: means that the price of goods or products or services will not be a factor to bargain in a shop or sale centre. That is to say the term commonly indicates that an external agent like a merchant or the government, has set a price level that will not be changed for individual sales. The government may set a fixed price shop with a view to controlling prices. However, it is obvious to us that a fixed price shop is good because all the buyers take a thing at the same has some demerits too. Especially in a price from But a fixed price shop privately run fixed price shop, prices are generally higher than general actual price. So people of limited or low income do not prefer a fixed price shop.


I am very fond of games and sports My favorite game is football. And my favourite footballer is Oscar dos Santos. He is a Brazilian handsome footballer. His playing style charms me very much. Oscar was born on 9 September, 1991 His full name is Oscar dos Santos Emboaba Junior. He plays as an attacking midfielder of Winger for premier League club Chelsea and the Brazil national team. Oscar began his career at São Paulo, where he won the Brazilian Series A in 2008, Oscar represented his country at the under-20 level, at the 2012 London Olympics and at senior level. On 20 August 2011, Oscar scared three goals in the 2011 FIFA U-20 World Cup final win against Portugal, becoming the first player to score a hat-trick in the FIFA U-20 World Cup final Oscar later described his performances at the tournament as being a gateway to the senior side.


Tree plantation means planting trees in a large number. Trees are very important for human beings and other animals in many ways. It is impossible to imagine our existence without trees. The loss of trees means the loss of lives. Trees provide us with fruits and foods. They give timber and fuel for various uses. Trees prevent soil erosion. Many kinds of medicines are prepared from leaves, roots and barks of trees. Above all they help us keep ecological system supplying oxygen and taking in harmful carbon dioxide. Heat, pollution, flood, famine, disease, etc are the results of deforestation. Trees can be planted all round the year but June and July are the best time for see plantation. We can plant trees on the both sides of roads and highways, We can also use used sides and areas for tree plantation. To save our environment and to lead happy and peaceful life, we need to plant more and more trees We can make the tree plantation programme successful raising awareness among the people for tree plantation.

A MOBILE PHONE paragraph

A mobile phone is a phone by which we can communicate with others without any wire. It is an important medium of communication. It is transportable in any place. The use of a mobile phone is more convenient than that of a land phone Specially, businessman and the service holders are much benefited through the use of a mobile phone Nowadays we cannot think even of a day without a mobile phone. It is usually for the doctors businessmen and high officials. The people who are shopping and supplying valuable information sitting in their houses are also benefited. But it has some demerits also, Sometimes, the criminals use the phone to maintain their secrecy. Invisible uncontrolled radioactivity of the mobile phones causes irreparable damage to human body. la spite of such drawbacks, there is no better alternative mobile phone in communicating with people at home and abroad.


By physical exercise, we mean the regular and proper movements of the limbs of human body in accordance with roles. Physical exercise is quite necessary and beneficial to keep our body fit and mind sound. Our body and mind are closely connected to each other.So a sound mind can thought with a sound health. To build a good health, we cannot but take physical exercise. Physical exercise makes our body active and the muscles strong. It enhances the power of digestion and blood circulation, also gives strength to our brain and makes in create energetic and active. Human body is like a machine which ones inactive and weak for want of exercise. This is why we all should take regular physical exercise order to maintain a sound health and lead a happy life. But we should remember that over- exercise bad for health. Moreover, physical exercise should be taken in a proper and scientific way.

TRAFFIC JAM paragraph

At present, traffic jam has been a common phenomenon in our daily city life. It means the blockade of vehicles on roads and streets for a certain period. It is a great problem in the urban areas. The violation of traffic rules, unplanned roads and streets, huge number of rickshaws on the roads, unskilled drivers, untrained traffic police, narrow roads and road construction are the main causes of traffic jam Besides, illegal parking, unauthorised shops and markets on both the roadside also cause traffic jam in our daily activities, we cannot become regular and punctual because traffic jams kill out time. School going boys and girls cannot reach their schools on time To remove this problem, the drivers of all kinds of vehicles should be aware of the traffic rules. Unauthorised shops and markets should be removed from the roadside. The government should build enough fly-overs. Traffic rules should be maintained strictly. Traffic police should be skilled.

A RAINY DAY paragraph

A rainy day is a day when it rains all the day, in such a day, the sky remains cloudy. The sky is overcast with thick the clouds and the day becomes dull and gloomy. We can hardly see the sun. Sometimes it rains heavily and sometimes it drizzles. At times, there are flashes of lightening and roars of thunder in the sky. In a rainy day, people have to remain indoors They cannot go out because the roads become muddy and slippery. No one can go out easily. Those who have urgent pieces of business go out with an umbrella over the head, shoes in hand and clothes folded up to knees. It is really a hard day for the poor because they cannot go out to cam then livelihood. On the other hand, its a great joy to the students because classes are not held on that day. As a result, they spend time in gossiping, playing indoor games, singing on listening to songs. Animals cannot go out of their shelters. After all, a rainy day gives us both joy and sorrow. It comes to different classes of people in different ways. I feel very delighted in such a day.


A winter morning is misty and cold. Everything is covered with dense fog. At times, the fog is so dense that we cannot see the things at a little distance. Even the sun rays cannot come through it. Generally, people get up from bed late. Animals, children and old people suffer much from the pinching cold of the morning People of all ages gather straw and make fire to warm themselves when the morning sun peeps dew drops look like glittering pearls on grasses and plants. The most common feature of a winter morning is that the old people bask in the sun. People like to eat Chira, Mari, Khai and various kinds of pithas. The scenery of the winter morning gradually changes as the day advances. The sun goes up, for me way and people to work. To pleasant but to the others it is not enjoyable at all.


If electricity in the heart of civilizations, load-shedding is the heart attack. Load-shedding means a deliberate Interruption of an electricity supply to avoid excessive load on the generations plant. It has become a pan of our everyday life. There are many reasons for load-shedding. The inadequate production of electricity is the primary reason of it. Misuse and illegal connections of electricity are the other important reasons. It occurs mostly at night because the demand of electricity at night is more than the demand in the daytime. The bad effects of load shedding are beyond description. It creates problems in the socio-economic development of our country Mills and factories, shops, hospital, etc. become paralyzed due to load-shedding. The sufferings of the students know no bounds. They sit in the darkness closing their books. The patients also suffer much because operation stops in hospitals because of load shedding Load shedding also encourages the smugglers. However, this problem should be solved at any cost. The government must take necessary steps. More power stations should be established Illegal connections and system loss should also be checked. People must be conscious about the misuse of electricity. It is a good news that we have achieved a tremendous success in the production of electricity. We hope, one day there will be no load shedding in our country.


A school magazine is part and parcel of a school. A magazine that is published by school authority every year 15 called a school magazine. Generally, a school magazine publishes the literary articles/writings of the students and the teachers. A school magazine generally contains poems, short stories, essays, one-act plays, verses, jokes, and reports of cultural activities of a school. It is published almost in every year. First of all, a magazine committee is formed for publishing a magazine. The Headmaster is the chief patron of the magazine. The committee collect and edit writings. In this way, the editor selects good ones and print them. The school authority bears the expenditure of publication A school magazine helps the students develop their latent faculties and their power of thinking and writing. Specially, students with literary aptitudes find scope to express their imaginations and emotions. When a student sees his writings in the magazine, he gets inspiration to write more. Thus, a school magazine plays a vital role to spread the talent.


A fisherman is the person who earns livelihood by catching and selling fishes, Generally, a fisherman lives by the side of the rivers, big canals, marshy lands and seas for his professional advantages. A fisherman lives with his family. He works hard all day and all night. He passes his days in making his fishing nets, repairing them, taking care of his fishing boat, dying and painting them. He passes most of his time in fishing in the river and in the sea. Sometimes, he goes in the deep sea for fishing and his family becomes anxious about his safe return. Sometimes, he fails to return to the shore safely, as he has no radio to listen to the weather forecast. He faces much difficulty in supporting the members of his family. The members of his family live from hand to mouth. A fisherman leads a very poor life. He has hardly nets and boats of has own, He is not given loans on easy term. He catches fish with borrowed boats and nets and for this he has to pay his master a handsome portion of his income. So, he Cannot come his poor condition, His face become with smile when he catches a lot of fishes. A fisherman does much good to in by supplying us with fish. Many people of our country are engaged in fish trade. We earn a lot of foreign exchange by exporting dry fishes. Thus a fisherman plays an important role in our national economy of foreign exchange my exporting day fishes. Thus, a fisherman plays an important role in our national economy.

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