class seven Activities 16.1

Muhammad Jamal Uddin


class seven Activities 16.1

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Chapter-16, Activity-16.1

16.1 Now in pairs/groups, ask and answer the following questions. Then, share your answers with the whole class. (If needed have a look at the class 6 English book, unit “King Lear")

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I want to try helping you in your class seven activities.

class 7 English chapter 16,activity 16.1. class 7 English chapter 16,activity 16.1, class seven English chapter 16,activity 16.1, class seven English. Class 7 English chapter 16,activity 16.1, class seven English chapter 16,activity 16.1, class seven English Activity. Class 7 English chapter 16 question answer   7 English chapter 16 question answer mcq. Class 7 English chapter 16 question answer extra.

class seven Activities 16.1 solution


a.     What type of literary writing is 'King Lear'?

Ans. 'King Lear' is a play/drama.

b. How many characters are there in the scene? Who are they?

Ans.  Four, They are King Lear and his three daughters, Regan, Goneril, and, Cordelia.

C. What do you like about 'King Lear?

Ans. It has a nice plot.

d. What are the characteristics of a play, you have found in "King


Ans. It is divided into acts and scenes, and has a plot, characters

 (roles), setting, dialogue, etc.

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