Role of Jamea Ahmadea Sunnia Alia Madrasah in Promoting Maslak A'la Hazrat (Chittagong, Bangladesh)

Muhammad Jamal Uddin

Role of Jamea Ahmadea Sunnia Alia Madrasah in Promoting Maslak A'la Hazrat (Chittagong, Bangladesh)

 Role of Jamea Ahmadea Sunnia Alia Madrasah in Promoting Maslak A'la Hazrat (Chittagong, Bangladesh)

                                                writer : Hafez Maulana Muhammad Anisuzzaman

There is no end to the kindness and mercy of the great Rabbul Alamina. He repeatedly called the ordinary Muslims who were accustomed to the waywardness to the light of truth. The succession of Prophets throughout the ages shows His grace. Tirodhan of the last prophet. In order to keep the holy light of the next guidance burning, the 'Mujaddid' continued the transmission of the Qur'an-Sunnah to his Ummah at the beginning of every century.

The great reformation of the great mujaddid ala Hazrat Imam Ahmad Raza (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) in the 14th century Hijri gave him a different image in the Muslim mind. Especially: His acceptance of reformation in the creed of Ahle Sunnat wal Jama'at made him shine with unique personality. Century after century will come, the flow of Mujaddis will continue, but his all-flooding and uncompromising 'Tajdeed' (ground-breaking reform work) has left such an immortal imprint on the mind of the nation, that the eternal Haq Aqeedah, which is followed by tradition, has received a new life and is named after him. Being a synonym of the purest Sunni creed, 'Maslke a'la Hazrat' has been established in the hearts of Haqq followers.

At the age of 13 years, 10 months and 5 days, after completing his formal education, A'la Hazrat took up the pen to solve a complex issue related to milking on the instructions of his father. His solution shocked the learned community. This pen did not stop from that time till death. His Nasir Asi wrote the graves of the rejected Firkas that emerged in the world including Wahhabi, Deobandi, La-Madhabi, Shia, Qadiani, Rafee'i, and also made the way forward for the Muslim Ummah. thornless, smooth.

  Syed Ahmad Barelvi and Ismail Dehlvi established the Deoband Madrasa with Maulvi Kasem Nanutuvi with British help to establish the Wahhabi doctrine in India. With the support of the British, Bhakta Golam Ahmad Qadiani claimed prophethood and gave rise to the nullification of the Qadiani name. Ibn Abdul Wahhab Najdi, the father of Wahhabi doctrine, wrote the Urdu version of Atawheed, Tarwiyat al-Iman, which attacked the beliefs of the Companions from the Prophet. In this sequence, Deoband's founder Maung Qasem Nanutvi's book Tahjirunnas, Ashraf Ali Banveer's Hefzul Iman, Ganguhi's Baraheen Qatiya, etc. showed the audacity of insulting our beloved Prophet Hazrat (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam), the heart of Islamic Abbayd, by showing the audacity of insulting our beloved Prophet Hazrat (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam). Hane Despite repeated requests to correct them, they did not retract those faith-destroying, disastrous statements, so A'la Hazrat had to issue a fatwa of Kufr against them, unable to fulfill the sacred duty of Shariat. As a result, the Muslim consciousness became enlightened. He produced eighteen books in refutation of Wahhabi belief. Alhamdulillah! No one has dared to challenge any fatwa and shari'i solution given by him till date. While claiming to declare the Qadianis non-Muslim, the Deobandis do not preach that they have entered into the clandestine way of writing the Qadiani Fitna. But the truth is that Ala Hazrat gave five proofs as weapons to the Millat at the root of this fitna.

In addition, the rejected doctrines of Trinitarianism, Shirk, Ilhad, Nachari, Nawasiq, Ghaire Muqadi la-Madhabi, Musfiq, Tafdwiliyya, Mutasawifa etc., conscious reformation and extensive revolutionary thinking quickly spread to the world through India. The stir that caused, the contemporary Haqqani ulama-Mashaykh, during his lifetime in the 1880s, enthusiastically welcomed him as the undisputed great reformer of the century, the 'Mujaddid'. He himself said that there are two main areas of his Sadhana.

1. Responding directly to the show of boldness in Shane Resalt.

2. The final refutation of the abrogated evidence and the further illumination of Hanafi Fiqh.

Alaa Hazrat (Radhiyallahu Anhu) is the main motivation behind this huge scope of work. He was the best prophet lover of the time. He proved by his extraordinary efficiency and every qualification, he is the eternal kangal of a point of love of the beloved Prophet Sindhu. Therefore, in the precocity of Nabiji, he witnessed everything with the vastness of the sky. For this reason, to remove the grief of riding on the shoulders of Behara in a palanquin of the Prophet's family, a scholar of undivided India, A'la Hazrat, carried him on his shoulders in a palanquin and offered his expiation in the forest. This respect for the descendants of the Prophet has impressed and fascinated the entire Islamic world. Baiki's eyes unknowingly became tearful as she thought about his extraordinary humility at the feet of the Prophet. This is the main altar of his Sadhana, here he devotes himself. Here he is unique. He is different, extraordinary. His Messenger is a gift of love and graces the shining Kaaba.

He expressed the main words of Maslaka A'la Hazrat in the booklet 'Tamhide Iman'. If anyone shows even the slightest carelessness towards the honor of the beloved Prophet, "Throw him out of your heart like a fly from milk, whatever he may be". This underlying truth should be conveyed to all, for this purpose Qutubul Auliya Ale Rasool Shahenshah. Sirikot Hazrat Syed Ahmad Shah Sirikoti (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) established Kishtiye Nuh or Jannat Nishan Jamia Ahmadiyya Sunni Alia in 1954 at Madinatul Auli Chittagong in the heart of our beloved motherland Bengal.

The sadness of that pain was the motivation to build this fortress of Sunnite, that history is not forgotten today. The Prophet's love is empty, religion, knowledge, and worship are all meaningless. This is the main theme of Masalke A'la Hazrat. Otherwise the name was Yash Bara Madrasah. But while giving the foundation of Banay Jamia, he said, "Jamaiya ka sange buniyad masl ke ala hazarat par rakha gayi". That declaration resonated in the minds of the Sunni masses and constantly reminded them of the inspiration behind the establishment of this Jamia Masl, A'la Hazrat, the heart of A'la Hajtar's fundamental philosophy.

  In order to prove the accuracy of this statement, I think it is very appropriate to quote a few lines from the Sunni movement's foremost soldier and founder writer, advocate Mosaheb Uddin Bakhtiar. Shahen Shah Sirikot Hazrat Syed Ahmad Shah (R.A.) established the Jamia Ahmadiyya Sunni Alia Madrasah in 1954 on the basis of A'la Hazrat in this country - which is now recognized as the central institution of A'la Hazrat practice in Bangladesh. Later, in the hands of his Sahebzada Tayyub Shah, the overall thought of A'la Hazrat became widespread. Na'tia 'Sabse Awla' and 'Mustafa Jaane Rahmat' written by A'la Hazrat are being preached in houses, mahfils and madrasahs here today due to his groundbreaking steps. [Source: Al Mukhtar, A'la Hazrat Conference 2011 In this regard, another information of his is quite surprising. An admirable step in the implementation of a proposal from A'la Hazrat's book 'Tadbeer Falah' deserves mention. He asked murid devotees not to court their own disputes. Make up your own mind. In the year 1978, he established this guideline in Gauss in the position of Pak Hazrat Abdul Qader Jilani (Radi Allahu Anhu). Which was read as a written instruction in the regular meeting of Rahmaniya Ahmadiyya Sunni on 21 April 1987 in Anjuman.

Allama Tayyab Shah (Rahmatullahi Alaihi) used to order the Naats of A'la Hazrat to be recited in processions during his established celebrations. Monthly Tarjuman A'la Hazrat Charcha news and articles written about him are printed seriously. Many of his works are serially translated in this magazine. Most of the writers of this magazine are former and current students of Jamia. Tarjuman, the people working at the Anjuman Research Center are the product of Jamea.

  First, Shahen Shah Sirikot (RA) appointed Mufti Waqar Uddin (RA) from Ala Hazrat's Silsila as the principal of Jamia and started the institutional practice of Ala Hazrat in Mosul. After Huzur Kabila Tayyub Shah (RA) appointed another great personality Allama Nasrullah Khan (RA) and continued this trend. Allama M.A. translated the Quran into Bengali language in the purest Urdu Tarjuma of A'la Hazrat and has achieved the ultimate welfare of the Bengali speaking Muslims. Mr. Mannan He who is the fruit of Jame'a. Professor Syed Muhammad Jalal Uddin, a student of Azhar University in Egypt, has done research on A'la Hazrat. He is also a former Kriti student of Jamea. He is the first Bangladeshi student to achieve this achievement. Prominent Islamic politician Allama SAW Abdus Samad m Phil on A'la Hazrat. He is also a former student of Jamia. Dhaka University Dr. A'la Hazrat's excellent poetry collection Hadayeke Bakhshish has done a full thesis. Allama Nasiruddin. He is Jamey's former student. In the beginning, he also taught at the Jamia Mahila Madrasa for some time. At present, Kaderia Tayyabia of the capital, which is run by Anjuman, is engaged in teaching.

Since the establishment of A'la Hazrat Foundation, ninety percent of the talented and thoughtful scholars who have kept the practice of Hazrat alive in the Muslim community are Jamia's crops. Admirable step in the heart of Dhaka Ala Hazrat Conference is playing a role in popularizing Ala Hazrat practice by evoking a wide response in the country, among which Vice Principal Abul Kashem Fazlul Haque, Mufti Bakhtiar Uddin, Jasimuddin Azhari and other former students of Jamia deserves to be mentioned. The role of Jamia students is leading in all the programs of the country including A'la Hazrat Conference founded by former student of Jamia Mufti Shahedur Rahman Hashemi at Aman Bazar Lalia Hat. Commencement of daily proceedings with sabse a'ala in Jame'ar Assembly. The special attraction of all the programs held is the presence of many spiritual children of Huzur Kabbalah. The instructions of Jamia and Ala Hazrat are effective behind him. The latest additions which have garnered much praise are regular Hadayek Bakhshish reading sessions at Alamgir Khanka Sharif, weekly Darse Fatwae Razaviyya (in which Mufti Abdul Wazed Sahib delivers the Dars) etc. have given great momentum to this journey. The present Principal, Vice-Principal, Shaykhul Hadith, Muhaddis, Mufassir, Mufti, Lecturers are often Jamia's own Ulama, who used their talents to practice the Mall ala Hazrat.

Arabic Lecturer, Jamia Ahmadiyya Sunnia Kamil Madrasa

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