Muhammad Jamal Uddin


 Feel free to speak up for the truth.

  “Ya bunaiya akbimis salata wa, mur bil ma, roof wanha anil munkar. Wasbir ala ma asabaka inna jalika mill azmil umur. “[Al Quran]

Wa'oor Bilma'ruf means to guide righteous deeds. And be with the strong-minded Ummah on the right path. Do you know what it means? And to do that you need to be strong and strong. It means ordering your righteous deeds and doing righteous deeds if no one likes you and if he is displeased with you because of this then it will not matter to you. Because you know you are on the right path. Which you know very well is the right way. It doesn't matter to you if everyone else thinks it's wrong.

Even if they think you are a strange person, you will not mind it. And you will remain steadfast in the right path. All will not seem important to you. Because when you stand in prayer, you only learn to fear Allah. When we stand in prayer, we realize that a day will come when what people think will not matter. I will have to appear before Allah alone on the Day of Judgment. If you realize this, you will become much braver to face everything. Because you will fear the day of appearing before Allah more than anything. Or your attitude should be that whatever Allah says is right is right and whatever Allah says is wrong is wrong. I have no problem saying that. If you do not do good yourself, you cannot command others to do good.

Wa'amoor bil ma'roof includes wa'amoor nafsaka bil ma'roof it includes. Which means guide yourself to righteous deeds. Then guide others to righteous deeds. Be on the righteous path yourself and try to change the lives of others by enjoining righteous deeds. And this is another interesting aspect of this matter. It's one thing that I don't do bad things and it's another thing to command others to do good things.

We now live in a highly individualistic society. Here people are always busy with themselves. He thinks I am on the right track. If others want to go to hell, welcome to it. I will not interfere in their lives. I don't care what they did or didn't do. Don't think so. It's none of your business what others have done, but sometimes you have to give a shit about others. Others should be called to the right path. The command or advice given by the father to the son later became the command given by Allah in the Qur'an. So you must enjoin righteous deeds, you must speak for the truth.

The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, told us:

  “Man ra’a minkum munkaran fal yugayiru biadihi fine lam yastati fabilisanihi, fine lam yastati fabikbalbihi, jha’liqa dwa’ful iman” [Hadith Sharif]

If any of you sees an evil deed, let him resist it with his hand. And if he is unable to do so, let him protest with his mouth. If he is not able to do that, he hates it from his heart. And this is the lowest level of Iman. So we got two things here.

1. Must do honest work.

2. Honest work should be ordered.


And another thing related to it is “wanha anil munkar” forbid evil deeds or hinder evil deeds. If something goes wrong, it doesn't matter how much you celebrate it, how beautifully it is presented. If it's bad, it's bad. If it is detestable to Allah then it is detestable to Allah. If it is the opposite of the natural nature with which God created man, then it is the opposite of the fatherhood that God has given to man. Morality cannot be changed. Ten years ago in the society, all the actions that were unacceptable, all the actions that were considered evil, now those actions are no longer the same. They have changed. Morality has changed. There are some things that were considered strange before, those things have now become normal. And there are some things that were considered normal, those actions are now considered extreme. There are societies in the world where if someone regularly prays five times a day, then he is considered an extremist. He was kept under surveillance. and guarded. Because it seems like a very extreme act for someone to pray.

  There are places in the world where if a woman wears a hijab, it can be considered a treasonous act. Because the crime of wearing hijab is enough to not be able to get admission in university, not to get a job or to be deprived of any other rights. Which is considered normal in some places and extreme in some places. What is really a good deed is considered an evil deed. And those that are really evil deeds, which were considered as evil deeds, after some time people do not consider them as evil deeds. Then it becomes tolerable to people. Then gradually it becomes acceptable to the people of the society. Then sometime it becomes mandatory in the society.

. This is how the standard of measuring good and bad keeps changing. And ten years from now when you become an adult, the way you see the world and the good and bad in the world will change. After a few days it will change again. After a few more days it will change again. The definition of good and bad in society will always change. You know what they say about this? They say it's a personal matter. You decide what is good and what is bad. In this case you have personal freedom. Such is their thinking. What is the personal freedom of a Muslim? Our personal freedom is – we freely submit ourselves to the servitude of Allah. This is the characteristic of a Muslim. Since we surrender ourselves to Allah, we do not judge ourselves as good or bad. Our conscience and our morals are what Allah has revealed to us and what the Prophets have taught us. That has always been the same throughout the history of mankind. In different societies, in different civilizations, in different continents, to people speaking different languages

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