All Computer Shortcuts

Muhammad Jamal Uddin

All Computer Shortcuts


To the end of a document

 Ctrl+Shift+ End

To the beginning of a document

 Ctrl+Shift+ Home

To the beginning of a paragraph

 Ctrl+Shift+ Up Arrow

Reduce the size of a selection   

 Shift + F8

Indent hanging 1/2 inch

 Ctrl + T

Indent paragraph

 Ctrl + M

Reset hanging indent


Reset paragraph indent


Add or remove one line space preceding a paragraph

 Ctrl + 0 (zero)

Insert a DATE field


Insert a LISTNUM field


Insert a PAGE field


Insert a TIME field


Activate the thesaurus

 Shift + F7

Save as



 Shift + F12


 Alt + F8



Assign bookmark

 Ctrl+Shift+ F5

Close window

 Ctrl + F4


 Ctrl +=


 Ctrl + Shift +=

Print Preview

 Ctrl + F2 or Ctrl + Alt + I

Column Break

 Ctrl+Shift+ Enter

Switch to the Draft view

 Ctrl + Alt + N

Switch to the Outline view

  Ctrl + Alt + O

Add Footnote

 Alt + Ctrl + F

Hide text

 Ctrl+Shift+ H

Exit Word

 Alt + F4


 Ctrl + End



Move the cursor to the beginning of the document

 Ctrl + Home

Reset highlighted text to the default font

Ctrl + Spacebar

Space (nonbreaking)

 Ctrl+Shift+ Spacebar

Page break

 Ctrl + Enter

Single space lines

 Ctrl + 1

Double space lines


1.5 line spacing

 Ctrl + 5

Change text to heading 1


Change text to heading 2


Change text to heading 3

 Ctrl + Alt + 3

Open Help


Change the case of the selected text

 Shift + F3

Reveal Formatting

 Shift + F1

Task Pane

 Ctrl + F1

Increase selected font + 1

 Ctrl + Shift +>

Increase selected font + 1

 Ctrl + ]

Zoom in and out of document

 Ctrl + Mouse wheel

Move one word to the left

 Ctrl + left arrow

Move one word to the right

 Ctrl + right arrow

Move to the beginning of the line

 Ctrl + up arrow

Move to the end of the paragraph

 Ctrl + down arrow

Delete word to the right of cursor

 Ctrl + Del

Delete word to the left of cursor

 Ctrl+ Backspace


 Shift + Insert

Line Break


To the end of a window

 Alt+Ctrl+Shift+ Page Down

To the end of a paragraph

 Ctrl+Shift+ Down Arrow

Repeat the last action performed


Undo last action

 Ctrl + Z

Align the line or selected text to left

 Ctrl + L

Align the line or selected text to center

 Ctrl + E

Align the line or selected text to right

 Ctrl + R

Indent the paragraph

 Ctrl + M

New document

 Ctrl + N

Open document

 Ctrl + O

Change the font

 Ctrl + Shift + F

Copyright symbol

 Alt + Ctrl + C

Format letters as all capitals


Cut to the Spike

 Ctrl + F3

Insert/Paste the contents of the Spike

 Ctrl + Shift + F3

Split the document window

 Alt + Ctrl+S

Select the line or paragraph of the text

 Triple click

Select all contents of the page

 Ctrl + A

Bold highlighted selection

 Ctrl + B

Cut selected text

 Ctrl + X

Copy selected text

 Ctrl + C

Paste selected text

 Ctrl + V

Open find box

Ctrl + F

Open replace box

 Ctrl + H

Go to

 Ctrl + G

Italicize highlighted section

 Ctrl + I

Justify paragraph

 Ctrl + J

Underline highlighted section

 Ctrl + U

Double underline highlighted selection

 Ctrl + Shift

Underline word

 Ctrl + Shift + W

Open the print window

 Ctrl + P




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