Tafsir of Sura Fiel

Muhammad Jamal Uddin

Tafsir of Sura  Fiel

 Surah  Fiel, Makki (Verse 5, Ruku 1)

بِسْمِ اللَّهِ الرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيمِ

أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَبٍ الْفِيلِ .  1

أَلَمْ تَجْعَلَ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ     . 2

وَأَرْسَلَ عَلَيْهِمْ طَيْرًا أَبَابِيلَ    . 3

تَرْمِيهِم حِجَارَةٍ مِّن سِجِّيل    .4

فَجَعَلَهُمْ كَعَصْفٍ مأكول    .5

In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful (beginning).

(1) Have you not seen how this and your Lord made the elephant rulers?

(2) He is their plot

Did not fail?

(3) Against them he sent flocks of birds

(4) Those who threw stones and pebbles at them.

(5) Then He made them like grass eaten.

Here is the description of the special favors that Allah bestowed on the Quraysh. Allah Ta'ala says: The army which destroyed the Ka'ba with elephants and went on a campaign to erase the name (existence) of the Ka'ba, Allah Ta'ala cleared their names and targets before they erased the existence of the Ka'ba. . By foiling all their conspiracies and deceptions gave All their plans fail and they are thrown into the dustbin of history. They were Christians but they distorted the religion of Jesus (PBUH). Yet they were closer to true Islam than the idolatrous Quraysh. Disrupting their evil intentions and activities was essentially a foreshadowing of the advent of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and the good news of his arrival. Most historians agree that he was born in that year. Almighty Allah says: O group of Quraish! I gave you victory over the forces of Abyssinia, I did not intend to do you any good, I gave that victory to protect my ancient home. I will make that house more dignified and characterized by the prophethood of Muhammad, the last illiterate prophet sent by Me, who will be the last Prophet.

Brief description of elephant army

In short, the brief history of the Ashab elephant or elephant lords is what has been described above in detail 18. It is narrated that Shunuas, the last king of Humayr's clan, who was a polytheist, killed the Muslims of his time by throwing them into a moat. All those Muslims were true followers of Jesus (AS). Their number was about twenty thousand. All of them were martyred. Only one man named Daws yu Salaban survived. He reached Syria and appealed to Caesar, the emperor of Rome. Kaiser was a devout Christian. He wrote to King Najashi of Ethiopia (Abyssinia) asking him to help Daus yu Salaban. From there the enemy country was near. King Najashi sent a large army against Yunus with Amir Ibn Irbat and Abraha Ibn Sahab Abu Yasum in joint command of the army.

That army reached Yemen and established authority over Yemen and its inhabitants. Januyas escaped and drowned in the sea. After the loss of Yunus' rule, the whole of Yemen came under the rule of the Abyssinian king. Both chieftains who arrived as commanders began to rule Yemen as administrators. But soon after a power struggle arose between them. Finally, both of them engaged in a face-to-face clash with their respective armies. A few days after the start of the war, the two chieftains said to each other: 'What is the use of unnecessary bloodshed, let us both fight. Whoever survives, Yemen and the army will be loyal to him.' According to this, both of them descended on Maidan. A water-flowing trench was dug behind them both so that no one could escape. Ameer Ibn Irbat attacked Abraha and with one stroke of the sword left his body bleeding. Several parts of the nose, lips and face were cut off. Seeing this situation, Abraha's guard Atrdah launched a surprise attack and killed Irbat. Abraha, mortally wounded, returned from the battlefield. After several days of treatment his wound healed and he became the ruler of Yemen.

King Najashi of Abyssinia was very angry on hearing this news and said in a letter: 'By Allah! I will destroy your cities and cut off your tiki.' Abraha very humbly replied to the letter and sent an emissary with various valuables, earth in a bag and some hair cut off from his own head, and put it inside and closed his mouth. Moreover, in the letter he asked for forgiveness for his crime and wrote: 'The soil of Yemen and the hair of my head are present, fulfill your oath and forgive my crime!' Najashi was pleased with this and assigned the rulership of Yemen to Abraha. Then Abraha wrote to Najashi: 'I am building a church for you in Yemen, the like of which has never been seen before in the world.Never made.' The church was carefully designed, very strong and built very high. The top of that church was so high that if you looked at the top of the hat, the hat would fall off. The Aravas gave the name of the church as 'Kalis' which means the Church of Thrown Hats. Then Abraha thought that the people would go to those churches to perform Hajj just as they performed Hajj to the Kaaba. He announced it throughout Yemen. But the Adnan and Kahtan tribes of Arabs were very unhappy with this announcement. The Quraysh in particular were very angry. A few days later one of them went there and entered the church in the dark of night and came back. The next day the guards saw this situation and sent news to the king and Abraha expressed the opinion that it was the Quraysh who had done this, that they had done this because their dignity had been undermined. Abraha immediately swore: 'I will march against Makkah and remove one brick after another from the Ka'ba.'

In the narration of Muqatil Ibn Sulaiman (RA) it is also said that some zealous Quraysh youths set fire to those churches. As the wind blew with great velocity that day, the fire engulfed the church well and it collapsed to the ground. Then the enraged Abraha marched towards Makkah with a large army which no one dared to resist. With them was a huge tall and fat elephant. Such an elephant has never been seen before. The elephant's name was Mahmud. King Najashi gave the elephant to Abraha in order to make the Makkah campaign a success. Along with that elephant, Abraha took eight or twelve other elephants. His intention was that he would tie chains to the poles of the Baitullah, and then put those chains on the necks of all the elephants. By pulling the chain, the elephants will collapse all the walls together. The people of Makkah were bewildered by this news. They decided to protect the Kaaba by fighting it in any situation.A Yemeni nobleman named Yu Nafar gathered together his tribe and a large number of prominent Arabs from the surrounding area to go rogue Abrahar fought.

Yu Nafar was defeated and captured by Abraha. But Almighty God had a different will. Abraha took Yu-Nafar prisoner and marched on the road to Makkah. After reaching the territory of the Khasham tribe, Nufayl ibn Habib Khasami with his tribe and a group of soldiers from the Shahran and Nahis tribes fought against Abraha. But unfortunately they too were defeated by Abraha after fighting fiercely. Nufayl ibn Habib was also imprisoned like Ju-Nafar. Abraha first intended to kill Nufail, but later took him alive to guide him to Mecca. On reaching the outskirts of Taif, the tribe of Sakif made a treaty with Abraha that Abraha's soldiers would not harm the cell in which the statue of Lat was.The tribe of Saqif sent a man named Abu Regal with Abraha to guide them. They stayed at Mugamas near Makkah. Abrahar's troops captured a large number of camels and other animals belonging to the Meccans from the surrounding towns and pastures. The name of the leader of the owners of those animals was Aswad Ibn Mas'ud. Among them were two hundred camels of Abdul Muttalib. Arab poets wrote poems condemning Abraha. The poem is mentioned by Ibn Isha in the Seerah.

Then Abraha said to his special envoy Hanatah Himairi: You call the greatest leader of the Quraysh to me and declare: We have not come to fight with the Makkans, our only intention is to destroy the house of God. But yes, if the Makkans come forward to defend the Ka'bah and stop us, we will be forced to fight them. Hanatah discussed with the people of Makkah and realized that Abdul Muttalib Ibn Hashem was the great leader of Makkah. When Hanatah presented Abraha's statement in front of Abdul Muttalib, Abdul Muttalib said: 'By Allah!Holding the ring, he cried to God and prayed for the protection of that holy and dignified house. Abdul Muttalib made the following dua to keep the Ka'ba clean from the impure desires of Abraha and his bloodthirsty soldiers:

"We are safe because we know that every householder takes care of his own house. O Allah! Protect your home from your enemies. Their arms will prevail over yours as if nothing were to happen, and you should do it before dawn.' Ibn Ishaq (may Allah be pleased with him) said: Then Abdul Muttalib left the door of the Ka'ba and took refuge with his companions on the top of the surrounding mountains. Muqatil Ibn Sulaiman (RA) mentions that one hundred animals were tied around the Ka'ba with marks attached. The intention was that if the miscreants touched the animal unlawfully, the wrath of Allah would surely descend upon them in retribution.

The next morning, Abraha's army planned to enter Makkah. Special elephant Mahmud was decorated. Nufail Ibn Habib, who was captured on the way and came with Abraha, then held the ear of the elephant named Mahmud and said: 'Mahmud! You sit down, and go back well to where you came from. You are in the holy city of God.' Saying this, Nuphael let go of the elephant's ear and ran away and hid behind a nearby mountain. The elephant named Mahmud sat down as soon as he heard Nufail's words. Despite many efforts, it was not possible to move him. The elephant was hit on the head by axes, axes etc. But nothing happened. The elephant got up quickly and began to move quickly as it tried to experimentally pull its face back towards Yaman. When he tried to run towards the east, he was also going towards it, then he sat down while trying to run facing towards Makkah. At that time, a flock of birds was seen flying from the sea like a black cloud. In the twinkling of an eye they fell upon the head of Abraha's army and surrounded them from all sides. Each bird had one pebble in its beak and two pebbles in each leg. The pieces of kankar were equal to lentil dal or mas kalai. The birds were throwing those pieces of pebbles at Abraha's soldiers. The person on whom the pebble was falling was immediately writhing in agony of death. Soldiers were running around, shouting Nufael Nufael. Because they brought him as their guide. Nufayl then climbed to the top of the mountain along with other Quraish and Arabs to observe the sight that Allah subhanahu had sent down on Abraha and his soldiers. At that time Nufail was reciting the following verse:

Where is their shelter now? God himself has taken action! Listen! The rogue ashram is defeated, it is not possible for him to win.'Ibn Ishaq said that in view of this incident, Nufail also said in his poem: 'If you were present during the plight of the elephant owners! The pebbles of punishment have fallen upon them in the desert of Muhassab. If you see that situation, fall down in sajda in the court of Allah. We were standing on the mountain praising God. Our hearts were trembling with the fear that, I don't know, maybe that pebble would fall on us and break us too. The whole community was turning away and shouting Nufael Nufael, as if the Abyssinians owed a debt to Nufael.'

*Ata Ibn Yasar (RA) and others said that not all of them were struck during the punishment, but some of them were destroyed immediately after the attack and others were destroyed one by one while fleeing from there. Naradham Abraha was one of those whose limbs were one after the other a khas was falling and finally he met Bhablila in 'Khasham' area. Ibn Ishaq (R.A.) said, They set out from Makkah and died on the way near the ghats and water bodies. Abraha's body was struck with a plague-like disease caused by stone particles, his army took him with them to Sana'a, and along the way his limbs were falling off. When he reached 'Sana' his body felt like a lump of meat. Then his liver burst and he died thrashing like a dog.

Ibn Ishaq (may Allah be pleased with him) said, Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala bestowed numerous favors on Muhammad (peace be upon him) and with him. Because of his presence, he allowed the Quraysh of Makkah to live there for a while despite committing many crimes. So Allah Ta'ala says:

أَلَمْ تَرَ كَيْفَ فَعَلَ رَبُّكَ بِأَصْحَبٍ الْفِيلِ. أَلَمْ تَجْعَلَ كَيْدَهُمْ فِي تَضْلِيلٍ. And he said.........

Have you not seen how your Lord made the elephant rulers? Did he fail their plot? Against them he sent flocks of birds who threw stones at them. Then He made them like eaten grass.' He also said:

لإيلَفِ قُرَيْشٍ إِلَيفِهِمْ رِحْلَةَ الشَّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْفِ فَلْيَعْبُدُوا رَبَّ هَذَا الْبَيْتِ الَّذِي أَطْعَمَهُم مِّن جُوعِ وَءَامَنَهُم مِّنْ خَوْفٍ

Since there is addiction, addiction to their winter and summer travel, so let them worship the Lord of this house, who has fed them from hunger and protected them from fear.

(Surah Quraish, 106: 1-4) That is, Allah Ta'ala will not create misfortune in their fate, rather He wants their good if they accept His call.

Ibn Hisham (RA) said, Ababil is a group of birds, the Arabs do not use this word for a single bird. He also said, as Yunus an Nahbi (RA) and Abu Ubaidah (RA) 'as Sijzil' told him: It is the type of matter which is hard and soft. He also said that some commentators have pointed out that it is actually two Persian words that the Arabs combined to form one word. The two words are 'Sanj' and 'Jil' which mean pieces of stone and soil respectively. He also said that 'Al Asaf' are the dry leaves of the crop field, each of which is called 'Asfah'. (Ibn Hisham 1/51-56)

Hammad Ibn Salamah (RA) on the authority of Asim (RA) on the authority of Zir (RA), on the authority of Abdullah (RA) and Abu Salamah Ibn Abdur Rahman (RA) narrated that, 6. It means a flock of birds. Ibn Abbas (RA) and Jahhaq (RA) said that the word 'Ababil' means the following of one group after another. Hasan Basri (RA) and Qatadah (RA) said, the word 'Ababil' means many. Mujahid (RA) said that this word means one group after another. Ibn Zayd (RA) said that the word means groups coming from different directions. (Tabari 24/505, 506)

Obaid Ibn Umayr (RA) commented J. There was a kind of black sea-bird with pieces of stone in its beak and claws. (Tabari 24/607) is authentic. It was also narrated from Obaid Ibn Umayr (RA) that when Allah wanted to destroy the people of the elephant army He sent swift birds (Ababil) from the seashore. Each bird is three stone pieces brought, two on both legs and one in their mouth. They keep coming until a bird is lined up over the head of each of the elephants. Then with a loud shout, he started throwing the pieces of stone that were on their feet and lips. Thus they are completely destroyed.

Ibn Abbas (RA) said that those birds had beaks like birds and claws like dogs. Ikrimah (RA) said that these green colored birds came out of the sea. Their heads were like beasts. The person on whose head the pebble was falling was going out through the door of his closet. At the same time, the person was falling in two. Suddenly strong wind started blowing all around. As a result, the surrounding sand fell into their eyes and soon crushed them izs means husk and Jis% means eaten or cut to pieces. Ibn Abbas (ra) said that the upper husk of the grain is called Ibn Zayd (RA) said that these are the leaves of the crops of the field which the animals have eaten. That is, Allah Ta'ala destroyed them and destroyed them all. All their efforts ended in failure. They were not able to get any benefit.After the death of Abraha, his son Yaksa took over the rulership of Yaman. Then his other brother Masruq Ibn Abraha ascended the throne. At this time Yuyazan Humairi went to Kisra (Emperor of Persia) and asked for help to free Yemen from Abyssinia. Kisra sent a group of Bahadur soldiers along with Saif. That army defeated the Abyssinians and wrested the rulership of Yemen from Abrahar's descendants. After that, the Humayr tribe ruled Yemen. Arab people celebrate this occasion. The king of the Humair tribe was congratulated from all sides.

In Surah Fathar Tafseer we have already narrated that on the day of the Treaty of Hudaybiyyah Nabi Kareem, may God bless him and grant him peace, climbed a hill. From there he intended to start his journey towards the Quraish. But his camel was sitting there. The Companions (RA) could not lift the ostrich despite many efforts. Then they said that. The Ostrich (Al Kaswa) is tired. The Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "No, he is not tired and it is not his habit to sit and read." He was stopped by Allah who stopped the elephant. By him in whose hand is my life! I will make a treaty with the Makkans on the terms they agree to. But I will not agree to any condition that may dishonor Allah." Then he stood up as soon as he scolded the ostrich. (Fathul Bari 5/388)

In another narration of Sahih Bukhari and Sahih Muslim, on the day of the conquest of Makkah, the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: "Allah did not allow the elephants to rule over Makkah, rather He made His Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his faithful servants rule over Makkah." donated Know that the dignity of Makkah today has returned to the state it was in yesterday. So every person present will convey (the news) to those who are absent.' (Fathul Bari 1/248, Muslim 2/988)

Finished Tafseer of Surah Feel.

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