66 essential sacrifices!

Muhammad Jamal Uddin


1. On whom is the sacrifice obligatory?

A. The 10th morning of the month of Zilhajj from Sadiq on the 12th

Qurbani is wajib on someone who has 7.5 seven and a half varhas of gold or 52 and a half varhas of silver till sunset.

2. What is the duration of Nichab?

A: 3 days, till sunset on 10th, 11th and 12th of Zilhajj.

3. Which day of the three days is better to sacrifice?

A. First day on 10th.

4. If the minor has a small amount of wealth, will the sacrifice be wajib?

A. No.

5. Will the sacrifice be wajib on the boy who has a healthy brain or a small amount of wealth?

A- No

6. If the minor has a small amount of wealth, what should be done on his behalf?

A. Mustahab, not wajib.

7. Qurbani is obligatory on poor people?

A- No, but if he buys animals for the purpose of sacrifice

Then it is obligatory to sacrifice the animal.

8. What should one do if one cannot offer sacrifice on the days of sacrifice, if he has a small amount of wealth, what should he do if there is no problem?

A- One goat that is suitable for Qurbani will not be given in charity equal to the amount of goat. This is for those who could not buy an animal.

But those who bought an animal but could not offer the sacrifice within three days, then the animal must be given as charity.

And if someone slaughters it after three days, then he will weigh the meat of that animal, then if it is less than the purchase price of that animal, then he will weigh the meat with the meat.

As much as the amount of money is less, the whole tie should be given in charity. For example, you bought it for 20,000 and you saw that it was 18,000 rupees by weight

Another 2 thousand taka of meat should be donated.

9. On the first day, when can the sacrifice be made?

A. It is not permissible to perform Qurbani before the Eid prayer in the area where Friday prayer and Eid prayer are obligatory. But if any kind of accident happens

If it is not possible to perform the Eid prayer, then it is permissible to perform the sacrifice after the sun has crossed the sky.

10. What will happen if you sacrifice at night?

A. If it is given at night on 10th, 11th, it will not be given at night on 12th.

11. Which animal is permissible to sacrifice?

A- Cow, Camel, Buffalo, Dumba, Goat and Sheep.

12. Should animals be separated by sex?

A- No, both male and female will be given.

13. What is the age limit of animals?

A. Camels are less than 5 years, cows and buffaloes are 2 years

Sheep, dumb goat 1 year.

Sheep and Dumba are not yet 1 year old but seem robust

If it has been a year then it will be sacrificed.

But the goat will not be under 1 year in any way.

14. What is the maximum number of partners?

A. There is no problem if camels, cows, buffaloes are reduced to a maximum of 7 people, but it is better to give them alone. One of the goats, dumba, sheep.

15. If there is more or less in the meat?

A- No one's sacrifice will be valid.

16. If one of the partners decides to eat meat then?

A- There will be no sacrifice.

17. Can aqeeqah be given to sacrificial animals?

A- Yes, but camels, cows, and buffaloes.

18. If most or all of someone's money is haram among partners, will it be a sacrifice?

A- No no no! No one will be sacrificed.

19. Cows, buffaloes and camels for the purpose of sacrifice can be shared with someone else?

A- If he is rich, he can do it, that is, on whom it is wajib, but on the poor, sacrifice is not wajib on him. If the animal is bought for the purpose of sacrifice, then it cannot be shared, it must be given alone.

20. What type of animal is best to choose?

A- It is Sunnah to choose fresh, nutritious animals.

21. Animals that walk on three legs will be sacrificed?

A- No

22. What will be sacrificed with sick animals?

A- No

23. Will the animal without teeth be sacrificed?

A. There is no tooth, it will not be sacrificed, or if there is something, the animal that cannot eat grass will not be sacrificed.

24. What will be the sacrifice with animals without horns?

A. An animal born without horns will be dhara.

However, the latter will not be the species that breaks down and results in brain damage. But it will be half.

25. Cut off the tail, cut off the ears of the animal will be sacrificed?

A. If the tail or ear of the animal is cut half or more then that animal will not be sacrificed.

But it will be less than half.

26. Blind animals can be sacrificed?

A- No, but the one-eyed and blind animal will not be allowed either.

27. What should the donor do if the animal is lost after buying it for sacrifice?

A- If you are rich, buy another one.

And a person who is not poor does not have to purchase

However, if the first animal is found after the purchase, then the rich person should perform either one of the sacrifices, but it is better to perform two sacrifices.

** And if he is a poor person then he has to pay both.

It is obligatory to give both.

28. Is it permissible to sacrifice pregnant animals?

A- Yes, it is permissible.

29. What to do if the baby is found alive after slaughtering the animal?

A- Children and slaughter should be given.

30. What should be done if the animal goes into labor just before slaughter?

A- It is permissible to slaughter that animal, but makruh!

31. After buying the animal, if there are any defects that cannot be sacrificed, what should be done?

A- This animal will not be sacrificed.

But here it is permissible for a poor person

Not permissible for a rich person.

32. When you buy an animal, you ask how old it is, it says 2 years, if it is not 2 years old, what should be done or sacrifice?

A- Yes, but the seller who lied will be punished.

33. Where is it best to slaughter animals?

A- Where there is less risk of environmental pollution.

34. Which animal is better to slaughter?

Uttam:- It is better to sacrifice one's own animal.

35. What kind of animal sacrifice will be done?

A- Yes, it will be.

36. Many times after slaughtering Huzur, it is seen that it is not completed and another person takes the sword in hand

Is it permissible to cut a vein?

Answer: Yes, it is permissible, but both people are Bismillah Allah Akbar

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